African Space Policy & Strategy

5 Weeks
Start Date
04 July 2024
About the Course

In 2012, the African Union (AU) established the African Union Space Working Group (AUSWG) to among other things, develop the African Space Policy and Strategy, as part of efforts towards the formalisation of the African Outer Space Programme. These documents were completed and adopted by African Heads of States and Governments in January 2016.

The documents provide a framework for Africa’s space priorities, programmes and partnerships. The African Space Agency (AfSA), with headquarters in Egypt, was then established in 2018, to implement the African outer space programme. In 2024, the African Space Council (ASC) was constituted.

This course is a thorough examination of Africa’s space sector and ecosystem, within the context of the global space economy. It contains lectures and discussions on the conceptualisation, drafting process and content analysis of the African Space Policy and Strategy; adoption and implementation of the continental space programme; and the African space innovation ecosystem. These are examined within the context of the present and future international space governance system and global space economy.

Through this course, participants will gain knowledge and insights into economics, public policy, law and governance, especially as pertains to the space sector.

The course will be facilitated by experts including former members of the AUSWG and staff of the African Union Commission (AUC).

The course modules and content are designed to accommodate participants from different academic and professional backgrounds. Live sessions take place virtually for the convenience of the participants. Also, there are non-live interactive sessions.


Module 1: A Primer on Outer Space and Satellites
Module 2: Africa and Space
Module 3: Space Business in Africa


Jul 4: Introductory Session
Jul 5: The Outer Space Environment
Jul 11: Space Systems Engineering, Mission Design and Orbits
Jul 12: The African Outer Space Programme
Jul 18: The Past and Present of Africa’s Political and Economic Integration
Jul 19: Outer Space Treaties and Principles
Jul 25: Agenda Setting and Decision Making in the African Union (AU)
Jul 26: Drafting of the African Space Policy and Strategy
Aug 1: The African space innovation ecosystem
Aug 2: Business modelling and organisation

Expected learning outcomes

  • Appreciate Africa’s history and heritage

  • Understand the African Union, its structure and operations
  • Understand the nexus between space policy development and socioeconomic development

  • Learn principles and application of space policy, strategy, law and governance

  • Develop knowledge and skills for leadership

Benefits of participation

  • Gain knowledge in space policymaking, law and governance

  • Gain knowledge in space business and organisation
  • Earn a certificate in African Space Policy and Strategy

  • Become part of the ASLI Network


  • Prof. Paul Baki (Technical University, Kenya; and former member of AUSWG)

  • Dr. Anastasia Gbem (Legal Adviser, Nigerian Airspace Management Agency)

  • Prof. Keith Gottschalk (University of Western Cape, South Africa)
  • Dr. Valanathan Munsami (Cofounder, ASLI; and former Chair of AUSWG)
  • Mr. Etim Offiong (Cofounder, ASLI; and former member of AUSWG)
  • Ms. Lami Omale (Office of the Legal Counsel, African Union Commission)
  • Mr. Imraan Saloojee (Research Institute for Innovation and Sustainability; and former member of AUSWG)
  • Dr. Taiwo Tejumola (University of Southampton, UK)

3-5pm Pretoria time

Virtual platforms


ZAR 3,100