

Theme: Education, Skills Development and Workforce Engagement, for a Responsive, Competitive and 
Sustainable Space Programme
21-22 May 2024
Call for Participation


The African Union (AU) has demonstrated that outer space is a priority for the continent. It is listed among the thirteen (13) flagship programmes of Agenda 2063, the continental framework for socioeconomic development and geopolitical engagement.

In January 2016, the AU adopted the African Space Policy and the African Space Strategy, for policy and programmatic guidance. This was followed with the establishment of the African Space Agency (AfSA) in 2018, with Egypt as host. 

Furthermore, the African Union Commission (AUC) has been re-organised and a Division for Science, Technology and Space (STS) has been established within the Department of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation. Though yet to commence operations, the AU  has also established the Pan-African University (PAU) Institute for Space Sciences. This momentum in space activities needs to be sustained and fuelled by the right set of knowledge, skills and workforce, so that the African space ecosystem addresses Africa’s needs, and is sustainable, globally competitive and responsible.

There are several elements to the African space ecosystem, including:

  • Thematic focus areas – Earth Observation, Satellite Communication, Navigation & Positioning, and Astronomy & Space Exploration
  • Functional programmes – Space missions, enabling technologies, space operations and space applications
  • Supporting programmes – human capital development and space awareness, industry development and support, infrastructure and international partnerships
  • Policy, strategy, law and governance frameworks

The African Space Leadership Institute (ASLI) is organising a colloquium series focused on the African Outer Space Programme. This forum is necessary as the AU enters another phase of implementation of its continental space programme i.e. the operationalisation of the African Space Agency.  (The first phase was the development of the African Space Policy and Strategy, which set out the framework for the continent’s space priorities, programmes and partnerships. The second phase was the implementation of partner-led continental programmes namely GMES & Africa, and Satnav Africa.)

The aim of the colloquium series is to convene the African and international space community, to reflect on vital areas for the Africa Space Programme and to provide insights on how best the Programme can meet the developmental needs of the citizens of Africa.

The first colloquium is scheduled for 21-22 May 2024, with a focus on education, capacity building and skills development in Africa. This event will be held virtually.



We hereby invite abstracts on a topic that will fit into the general theme of the colloquium.

Contributions are expected to address any aspect of human capital development, including but not limited to:

  • Status of knowledge and skills in Africa and/or globally
  • Nexus between education policy and space capability
  • Modern tools, processes and means for education
  • Challenges and best practices in STEM and non-STEM education and practice
  • Sustainable education financing and investment
  • Measurement of industry needs and gaps
  • Planning for an innovative space workforce
  • Ensuring broad public awareness
  • Leveraging partnerships for education
  • Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET)
  • Brain gain
  • Emerging technologies

Contributions may also seek to address any specific element of the space ecosystem listed above or can be cross-cutting.



The abstracts should be no longer than 250 words, single-space, 12-point Time New Roman font.  It should demonstrate your paper’s connection to theme of the colloquium. English is the language of communication for the colloquium.

Please submit abstracts using this form

Submitted abstracts will be evaluated for for relevance and quality. All authors will be informed about the outcome of the selection process. Whether an author’s abstract is selected or not, all are welcome to participate in the colloquium.

Authors of selected papers are expected to submit a full paper and a recorded oral presentation (max. 15 minutes). After each paper presentation, authors will join a panel discussion for that session.

It is highly recommended that when developing papers for submission that you or your research group use the African Space Policy, African Space Strategy and Agenda 2063 as reference frames, as these form the anchor tenets for the African Space Programme.


Registration for Colloquium

Please complete this form to participate in the colloquium.

Registration is free.


Key dates

20th Oct 2023           Call for Abstracts

31st Jan 2024           Abstract submission deadline

12th Feb 2024             Notification of accepted abstracts/Registration for Colloquium opens

26th Apr 2024            Deadline for submission of full paper and oral recording 

17th May 2024             Registration for Colloquium ends

21-22 May 2024          Colloquium



Please see here for draft agenda.